Sunday, April 12, 2015

C4T #5

Honestly, I am not sure if I am ahead or behind one. I spoke to another classroom that has the same problem. We think the schedule might have gotten off for C4T as we are told to post for our second comment this week. However, we are only in our first comment of this series. We decided to just do two blog posts this week and hope it works out!

This week I read about how use of technology can effect the classroom. In Connected Principals they spoke about walking into a teachers classroom and seeing posters about "geniushour" and other various details that encouraged different styles of learning. The teachers that walked into this classroom asked each other if they thought the teacher of this classroom was on Twitter. They both agreed he was because they could see the influence displayed in this classroom set up. When they asked the educator of the classroom he said he did get some resources from Twitter but was not online so much. This blog discussed that having resources through the internet opens up a teachers ability and mind to share with their students. There is basically no excuse not to have a resource because you can get almost anything through the internet.

The blog on Connected Principals was all about smiles! This principal really did a self evaluation and realized his days were starting off looking to settle problems and answer emails. Instead he decided to spend the first 30 minutes of his day looking for smiles! Of course, he lost count immediately as his students walked by ready start a new day. He says:
There is so much beauty in the run of a school day that it will make your head spin…change your habits so you allow yourself the opportunity to revel in it…schools are the most beautiful places on earth if you open your eyes,
I completely agree with this statement. This principal also addressed the connotation of the principals office being a bad place. Instead of having teachers send their students to his office for punishments, he had them send them to his office for praise! Students were excited to get sent to the office because they were celebrated for their achievements! What a wonderful idea! I very much enjoy this blog and hope to continue reading and gathering ideas for my future classrooms.

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