I wrote a sort of lengthy response because I got so excited about his post. I told Luke how I agree with his two concerns of focus and that some schools try to address those issues with rotating class schedules and snack times. I also told him that a lot of my classes are online and my main concern is that I can get sick if I look at a computer screen too long and there are many other people that do too. I reminded Luke the difference between "your" and "you're" as he misused it and congratulated him on writing such a wonderful post!
Nadia wrote a blog about her bucket list. She included items like having a relationship, getting her license, graduating college, and my favorite, making a quilt for her house. I asked Nadia if that is a family tradition or if she had any reason why she wanted to make a quilt for her home. Nadia also wrote on her 5 year, 10 year, and life bucket list that she wants to "be happy". I think that is something we all should strive for!
In Luke H's blog he discussed how he would run a restaurant. He decided that he would offer many different varieties of food on different days such as Chinese food on Tuesdays and Mexican on Wednesdays. I told Luke I would love to eat there on Tuesdays! Luke also mentioned that he would ask his customers after every meal how he could improve and then make changes based off of that. I stated that I think that is a fabulous idea.
For Dakota's blog he also wrote about his bucket list. Dakota mentioned a few things like getting a tattoo, owning a restaurant, and visiting Alaska. I told Dakota I think it is awesome that he wants to have his own business and asked if he wanted to live in Alaska or just see it. Dakota also said he wants to visit the John Hanson French Immersion.
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