Here is our Smart Board project. We are presenting a second grade lesson plan on cloud types.
Saturday, April 25, 2015
Thursday, April 23, 2015
Wednesday, April 22, 2015
Blog Post #5 part b
I have accumulated many resources throughout this course. I put together my Personal Learning Network on a Symbaloo page here for you to see.
Friday, April 17, 2015
Blog Post #13
What did you leave out?
Discuss how to handle health difficulties that come with technology. For example, many people get sick or nauseous from staring at computer screens for a long period of time. As well, a large population of people are triggered into sever migraines by computers. Migraines typically start at the age of 7 or 8 years old.
Remember in the 90's when we were told NOT to use computers because of eye health, posture, and various other health reasons. Discuss ergonomics and other things you can do to prevent negative health effects on your students.
Blue light filters installed on computers or apps downloaded on iPads can be beneficial to help with eye restraint and prevent migraines from triggering.
Ergonomics can help prevent carpal tunnel and back problems.
How can you modify your technology for students with health problems triggered by monitors and how can you prevent health problems developed from using technology?
This website talks about many ways you can keep good health while using a computer.
You can search many sites like this one on ergonomics in the classroom. You can purchase specific keyboards and wrist wrests to prevent carpal tunnel. Proper posture and seating prevents back problems.
For students with migraines you can install blue light filters. However, that typically does not help if the exposure time is more than 10-15 minutes. Students with these types of medical conditions should be allowed to use other methods of doing work including paper and pencil, using library sources to find information, and being teamed up with a partner who can do the screen work while the other student does any preparation work not required on the computer.
Discuss how to handle health difficulties that come with technology. For example, many people get sick or nauseous from staring at computer screens for a long period of time. As well, a large population of people are triggered into sever migraines by computers. Migraines typically start at the age of 7 or 8 years old.
Remember in the 90's when we were told NOT to use computers because of eye health, posture, and various other health reasons. Discuss ergonomics and other things you can do to prevent negative health effects on your students.
Blue light filters installed on computers or apps downloaded on iPads can be beneficial to help with eye restraint and prevent migraines from triggering.
Ergonomics can help prevent carpal tunnel and back problems.
How can you modify your technology for students with health problems triggered by monitors and how can you prevent health problems developed from using technology?
This website talks about many ways you can keep good health while using a computer.
You can search many sites like this one on ergonomics in the classroom. You can purchase specific keyboards and wrist wrests to prevent carpal tunnel. Proper posture and seating prevents back problems.
For students with migraines you can install blue light filters. However, that typically does not help if the exposure time is more than 10-15 minutes. Students with these types of medical conditions should be allowed to use other methods of doing work including paper and pencil, using library sources to find information, and being teamed up with a partner who can do the screen work while the other student does any preparation work not required on the computer.
Sunday, April 12, 2015
C4T #5
Honestly, I am not sure if I am ahead or behind one. I spoke to another classroom that has the same problem. We think the schedule might have gotten off for C4T as we are told to post for our second comment this week. However, we are only in our first comment of this series. We decided to just do two blog posts this week and hope it works out!
This week I read about how use of technology can effect the classroom. In Connected Principals they spoke about walking into a teachers classroom and seeing posters about "geniushour" and other various details that encouraged different styles of learning. The teachers that walked into this classroom asked each other if they thought the teacher of this classroom was on Twitter. They both agreed he was because they could see the influence displayed in this classroom set up. When they asked the educator of the classroom he said he did get some resources from Twitter but was not online so much. This blog discussed that having resources through the internet opens up a teachers ability and mind to share with their students. There is basically no excuse not to have a resource because you can get almost anything through the internet.
The blog on Connected Principals was all about smiles! This principal really did a self evaluation and realized his days were starting off looking to settle problems and answer emails. Instead he decided to spend the first 30 minutes of his day looking for smiles! Of course, he lost count immediately as his students walked by ready start a new day. He says:
This week I read about how use of technology can effect the classroom. In Connected Principals they spoke about walking into a teachers classroom and seeing posters about "geniushour" and other various details that encouraged different styles of learning. The teachers that walked into this classroom asked each other if they thought the teacher of this classroom was on Twitter. They both agreed he was because they could see the influence displayed in this classroom set up. When they asked the educator of the classroom he said he did get some resources from Twitter but was not online so much. This blog discussed that having resources through the internet opens up a teachers ability and mind to share with their students. There is basically no excuse not to have a resource because you can get almost anything through the internet.
The blog on Connected Principals was all about smiles! This principal really did a self evaluation and realized his days were starting off looking to settle problems and answer emails. Instead he decided to spend the first 30 minutes of his day looking for smiles! Of course, he lost count immediately as his students walked by ready start a new day. He says:
There is so much beauty in the run of a school day that it will make your head spin…change your habits so you allow yourself the opportunity to revel in it…schools are the most beautiful places on earth if you open your eyes,I completely agree with this statement. This principal also addressed the connotation of the principals office being a bad place. Instead of having teachers send their students to his office for punishments, he had them send them to his office for praise! Students were excited to get sent to the office because they were celebrated for their achievements! What a wonderful idea! I very much enjoy this blog and hope to continue reading and gathering ideas for my future classrooms.
C4K April
Today I read a blog by Luke H. I really enjoyed the topic of this blog. Luke told us that he thinks students should be allowed to chose if they want to learn through online classes at home or go to school. He chose online classes. He brought up some very good points! He notices that he does not pay attention or focus as well early in the morning when school starts because he is still tired. He also feels the same way about being hungry. Luke would like to sleep in later and be able to snack throughout the day so that he can focus better on his school work. Luke said he thinks kids, not just adults, should be allowed to take online classes.
I wrote a sort of lengthy response because I got so excited about his post. I told Luke how I agree with his two concerns of focus and that some schools try to address those issues with rotating class schedules and snack times. I also told him that a lot of my classes are online and my main concern is that I can get sick if I look at a computer screen too long and there are many other people that do too. I reminded Luke the difference between "your" and "you're" as he misused it and congratulated him on writing such a wonderful post!
Nadia wrote a blog about her bucket list. She included items like having a relationship, getting her license, graduating college, and my favorite, making a quilt for her house. I asked Nadia if that is a family tradition or if she had any reason why she wanted to make a quilt for her home. Nadia also wrote on her 5 year, 10 year, and life bucket list that she wants to "be happy". I think that is something we all should strive for!
I wrote a sort of lengthy response because I got so excited about his post. I told Luke how I agree with his two concerns of focus and that some schools try to address those issues with rotating class schedules and snack times. I also told him that a lot of my classes are online and my main concern is that I can get sick if I look at a computer screen too long and there are many other people that do too. I reminded Luke the difference between "your" and "you're" as he misused it and congratulated him on writing such a wonderful post!
Nadia wrote a blog about her bucket list. She included items like having a relationship, getting her license, graduating college, and my favorite, making a quilt for her house. I asked Nadia if that is a family tradition or if she had any reason why she wanted to make a quilt for her home. Nadia also wrote on her 5 year, 10 year, and life bucket list that she wants to "be happy". I think that is something we all should strive for!
In Luke H's blog he discussed how he would run a restaurant. He decided that he would offer many different varieties of food on different days such as Chinese food on Tuesdays and Mexican on Wednesdays. I told Luke I would love to eat there on Tuesdays! Luke also mentioned that he would ask his customers after every meal how he could improve and then make changes based off of that. I stated that I think that is a fabulous idea.
For Dakota's blog he also wrote about his bucket list. Dakota mentioned a few things like getting a tattoo, owning a restaurant, and visiting Alaska. I told Dakota I think it is awesome that he wants to have his own business and asked if he wanted to live in Alaska or just see it. Dakota also said he wants to visit the John Hanson French Immersion.
Blog Post #12
Our group did a Symbaloo page to display the resources we found that aid deaf and blind students through assistive technology. I found 14 of the links out of the 27. Mercedi made the Symbaloo page and Traci helped her. They also found a couple sources together. We sort of independently found resources and loaded them to our pages.
Visit our Symbaloo page featuring assitive technology for the deaf and blind.
I made another Google slide I wanted to add but got very sick this week and was unable to complete it in time. I still have to upload me speaking and signing to it. I will try to add that later if you want to come back and take a look! I adore sign language and deaf culture! I am actually looking at going into deaf education. South Alabama has a sign language program and here are a few photos from one of the times we got to sign the National Anthem!
Visit our Symbaloo page featuring assitive technology for the deaf and blind.
I made another Google slide I wanted to add but got very sick this week and was unable to complete it in time. I still have to upload me speaking and signing to it. I will try to add that later if you want to come back and take a look! I adore sign language and deaf culture! I am actually looking at going into deaf education. South Alabama has a sign language program and here are a few photos from one of the times we got to sign the National Anthem!
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"Rockets red glare" |
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"Bear" |
Saturday, April 4, 2015
Blog Post #11
What can we learn about teaching and learning from these teachers?
Teacher videos:
Brian Crosby
Mr. Paul Anderson
Mark Church
Sam Pane
Project Based Learning
Roosevelt Elementary
In Brian Crosby's video he spoke about building a passion in at-risk students. Most of his students were at-risk students and could not answer simple questions like what country or city they lived. Crosby wanted to motivate his students by getting them into hands on experiments and into technology. His class did "can crush" experiments and a balloon experiment that allowed the students to feel excitement about learning. Within the balloon experiment his students were able to upload data and pictures to blogs and Flikr accounts which allowed them to see that they had an audience. The students became more aware of their location by tracking the balloon and aware of their language by posting to an audience through technology. Another incredible task Crosby and his class accomplished was the inclusion of a very sick student who could not attend school. They set up a web cam and allowed the student to learn and be a part of the class through the technology. This kept the student from going through a very long and tedious process of paperwork to get in home schooling and allowed her to continue learning.
Paul Anderson spoke of a blended learning cycle in his Science classroom. The first part of the learning cycle brings together online, mobile, and classroom learning. Then, the learning cycle consists of 5 E's; Engage, explore, explain, expand, and evaluate. When you combine the blended learning with the learning cycle is when you get the blended learning cycle.
I believe the following lesson format is a good idea for science lessons and I think I will incorporate them in some ways into my future classrooms.
Anderson focus' his lesson around a good, enticing question and continues with the mnemonic QUIVERS.
QUIVERS: Questions, hook the students into learning.
investigation/inquiry, have the students investigate and inquire about the topic
video, show the students an introduction video or use a video for instruction. This frees up the instructors time to be with the students. When the students get to the instruction part they can simply watch it on their time.
elaboration, this is where the students use diagrams and pull information from the textbook to really understand the experiment.
review, allows the instructor to sit down with the student to ask questions and gives the student a chance to show that they really understand the material. Students can not go onto the next step without passing review and will be sent back through the process if they do not pass.
summary quiz, this is a timed quiz that students may retake a few times until they pass.
After a few lessons like this, Anderson has his student's take an overall pencil and paper assessment to review and tell what they know.
In Mark Church's book summary video he focus' on seeing how students progress in their thinking. He chooses to have them write a headline for their subject and will later have them write another to see how their thinking progressed. I can see how this would be an interesting theory and beneficial in the classroom. However, this video did not provide much more information than that.
Sam Pane had an awesome lesson in his video! His lesson focus was on Internet safety. The title was "Super Digital Citizen" in which Pane had his student's create a superhero online and create a comic story about themselves. The story included the student's approaching an unsafe Internet situation and their superhero saved them from it. I think this would be a fabulous first day of school activity! It would get your students excited about learning because they know they will be doing fun activities using technology. It will also set safety expectations right away in how you want them to approach their ongoing Internet activities. And you would have more time on the first day of school to give them to work on this assignment because you won't have tests, be in the middle of a chapter, or other time consuming work that accumulates later in the school year.
The criteria learned from this was:
1) Write narratives to develop imagined experiences or events
2) analyze how visual and multimedia elements contribute to text
3) ask and answer questions
Though Pane does not say which site he used for this activity in the comments under this video it suggest Pane could have used the websites or X-treme comics from At the top of their comic editing on the Mac computers it said "comic life".
For the Project Based Learning(PBL) video it talked about a school in Canada that integrated three subjects; History, English, and Computer Processing. This school has allowed their students to learn without segmented subjects but rather integrating three subjects into a longer time frame. This has allowed the students more time to focus and work hard on their assignments and be proud of their finished products. It has allowed the educators the time to sit down and review one on one with the students. I think this is a great idea for classes and very beneficial to everyone. I would love to incorporate the idea of integrated subjects and longer learning times into my future classrooms.
Roosevelt Elementary also uses PBL in their classrooms. For younger students this allows more hands-on activities to spark interests, apply knowledge, gives student choice, allows ownership, and provides self-motivation. Student's are engaged in real world activities that allows differentiation for different types of learners. Parents voiced that they like the public speaking aspect of PBL so that their children get used to it at a younger age. As well, they enjoyed the collaborative learning techniques applied. PBL is definitely an essential tool in today's education.
Teacher videos:
Brian Crosby
Mr. Paul Anderson
Mark Church
Sam Pane
Project Based Learning
Roosevelt Elementary
In Brian Crosby's video he spoke about building a passion in at-risk students. Most of his students were at-risk students and could not answer simple questions like what country or city they lived. Crosby wanted to motivate his students by getting them into hands on experiments and into technology. His class did "can crush" experiments and a balloon experiment that allowed the students to feel excitement about learning. Within the balloon experiment his students were able to upload data and pictures to blogs and Flikr accounts which allowed them to see that they had an audience. The students became more aware of their location by tracking the balloon and aware of their language by posting to an audience through technology. Another incredible task Crosby and his class accomplished was the inclusion of a very sick student who could not attend school. They set up a web cam and allowed the student to learn and be a part of the class through the technology. This kept the student from going through a very long and tedious process of paperwork to get in home schooling and allowed her to continue learning.
Paul Anderson spoke of a blended learning cycle in his Science classroom. The first part of the learning cycle brings together online, mobile, and classroom learning. Then, the learning cycle consists of 5 E's; Engage, explore, explain, expand, and evaluate. When you combine the blended learning with the learning cycle is when you get the blended learning cycle.
I believe the following lesson format is a good idea for science lessons and I think I will incorporate them in some ways into my future classrooms.
Anderson focus' his lesson around a good, enticing question and continues with the mnemonic QUIVERS.
QUIVERS: Questions, hook the students into learning.
investigation/inquiry, have the students investigate and inquire about the topic
video, show the students an introduction video or use a video for instruction. This frees up the instructors time to be with the students. When the students get to the instruction part they can simply watch it on their time.
elaboration, this is where the students use diagrams and pull information from the textbook to really understand the experiment.
review, allows the instructor to sit down with the student to ask questions and gives the student a chance to show that they really understand the material. Students can not go onto the next step without passing review and will be sent back through the process if they do not pass.
summary quiz, this is a timed quiz that students may retake a few times until they pass.
After a few lessons like this, Anderson has his student's take an overall pencil and paper assessment to review and tell what they know.
In Mark Church's book summary video he focus' on seeing how students progress in their thinking. He chooses to have them write a headline for their subject and will later have them write another to see how their thinking progressed. I can see how this would be an interesting theory and beneficial in the classroom. However, this video did not provide much more information than that.
Sam Pane had an awesome lesson in his video! His lesson focus was on Internet safety. The title was "Super Digital Citizen" in which Pane had his student's create a superhero online and create a comic story about themselves. The story included the student's approaching an unsafe Internet situation and their superhero saved them from it. I think this would be a fabulous first day of school activity! It would get your students excited about learning because they know they will be doing fun activities using technology. It will also set safety expectations right away in how you want them to approach their ongoing Internet activities. And you would have more time on the first day of school to give them to work on this assignment because you won't have tests, be in the middle of a chapter, or other time consuming work that accumulates later in the school year.
The criteria learned from this was:
1) Write narratives to develop imagined experiences or events
2) analyze how visual and multimedia elements contribute to text
3) ask and answer questions
Though Pane does not say which site he used for this activity in the comments under this video it suggest Pane could have used the websites or X-treme comics from At the top of their comic editing on the Mac computers it said "comic life".
For the Project Based Learning(PBL) video it talked about a school in Canada that integrated three subjects; History, English, and Computer Processing. This school has allowed their students to learn without segmented subjects but rather integrating three subjects into a longer time frame. This has allowed the students more time to focus and work hard on their assignments and be proud of their finished products. It has allowed the educators the time to sit down and review one on one with the students. I think this is a great idea for classes and very beneficial to everyone. I would love to incorporate the idea of integrated subjects and longer learning times into my future classrooms.
Roosevelt Elementary also uses PBL in their classrooms. For younger students this allows more hands-on activities to spark interests, apply knowledge, gives student choice, allows ownership, and provides self-motivation. Student's are engaged in real world activities that allows differentiation for different types of learners. Parents voiced that they like the public speaking aspect of PBL so that their children get used to it at a younger age. As well, they enjoyed the collaborative learning techniques applied. PBL is definitely an essential tool in today's education.
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