Saturday, January 31, 2015

Blog Post #3

First, what is peer editing? Peer editing is when you make suggestions for improvement on a classmate's or some one your own age's writing. 

Second, what is the best approach to peer editing? Peers can sometimes be protective and proud of their work. We don't always want to hear what we did wrong. Therefore, it is best to start peer editing by complimenting and stating parts of the writing that were done well. One must be respectful and helpful when editing. 

I will edit my classmates blog posts by reading and analyzing what they have written. I will make note of where there were mistakes and things done well. I will then comment on their blogs to let them know what I think was done well and what I think needs improvement. I will do this in a kind manner with only good intentions to help. 

It is important to peer edit because we can all improve in one way or another. It is nice to have someone to support you and help you better your writing. Having a peer to edit is helpful because they know the assignment requirements and have a base connection with you through age or being classmates. With peer editing you can improve your writing in a helpful environment.


  1. Sarah,
    I think you did a great job explaining peer editing. I also think it is important to be positive and kind when peer editing. Although I am not the same age as most of my classmates, we are working on the same assignments and working towards the same goals. I’m glad that I will be able to learn from others and help my classmates out as well. With that said, I only found one spelling error in your second sentence. (some one should be someone). Keep up the good work!
