Tuesday, February 24, 2015

C4K February

Week 4: This week Noah from Illinois wrote about Jackie Robinson. Noah had an impressive amount of information in his post. He told us Jackie's birth place and date as well as his death place and date. Noah told us that Jackie Robinson was a famous baseball play who was the first black man in the Major League and the first black man to be on a white baseball team. I asked Noah why he thought that was important to Jackie and to history.

Week 3: Today I read a blog by Owen entitled Harry Potter And The Sorcerer’s Stone part 3. Owen did a great job on this post! He summarized the parts of the book that he has read and told us his thoughts on it. He asked what house at Hogwarts we would want to be sorted into. I told him Hufflepuff just because it is really fun to say! He also expressed how Harry might have felt either scared leaving his aunt and uncle or happy to be away from him. I commented that I think it might be both. Harry was probably happy to get away from his aunt and uncle but also scared to be going to a new place alone. I asked Owen if he has ever been to a new place by himself like a new school. Owen did a spectacular job in his spelling and overall writing of this post.


Week 2: In Hunter's blog, Military Pros and Cons, he talks about the different aspects of being in the military. He touches on the points of pay differences for different ranks and also shows a great diagram of the ranks(see below). Hunter says that he would love to be in the military one day because he would love to fight. He talks about how a person in the military has to be good at math and train hard to do well. I offered some thoughts on how well military persons get paid for all ranks and asked if he had any family in the military.


Week 1 I read a blog post by Jonathan H called "Winter Weather". Jonathan wrote about how he loves the snow and building snow castles! I posted about how we live near the beach and make a lot of sand castles. I also asked him if he has ever built a sand castle before.

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